This year’s Yeppoon Pickleball Festival was hosted at the complex between the 14th and the 23rd of July, welcoming over 100 players from across Australia and NZ for 10 days of fun, competitions, coaching and tournament play.
Despite being played in July, Yeppoon still frequently has temperatures above 30ºC (86ºF). Prior to the tournament, CoolTop was installed on their feature acrylic courts to reduce the surface temperature (via solar reflectance), with the goal of assisting in overall player comfort.
The 6 feature courts to the right of the marquees were surfaced with CoolTop® in Nordic and Ice Blue colors.
The 8 courts to the left were surfaced with standard Sea Blue acrylic surrounds and CoolTop Nordic Blue centres.
The court surface temperatures shown below were recorded on Friday 21st of July, at 1.30pm – with the ambient temperature of 30ºC (86ºF):
Existing Sea Blue: 52ºC (125.6ºF);
Nordic Blue: 38.1ºC (100.6ºF);
Ice Blue: 34.4ºC (93.9ºF).

California Sports Surfaces CoolTop is specially formulated with IR reflective pigments that help reduce surface temperature through solar reflectance (when compared to standard competitor court surfaces), assisting in overall player comfort.
With Solar Reflective ratings 20-30% higher than standard court coatings, our CoolTop coatings will retain less heat and help reduce the temperature of your court. Temperature reductions will vary depending on location, court colour and site conditions.